Running a successful business goes beyond good marketing with the right media. There are several strategies that help ensure that the energy applied to the process leads to success.

The Importance of Mental Health Advocacy for Techies – The Hub Podcast
- The Importance of Mental Health Advocacy for Techies
- The Impact of E-commerce in Strengthening the Supply and Distribution Chain of Nigerian Businesses
- The Importance of Financial Literacy in Business
- The Impact of Technology on Music Experiences
- Harnessing Tech Skills with the Code Plateau Initiative
In Nigeria, WhatsApp is growing SMEs which is a plus to the contributed 48% of the national GDP. Thus, today, CRESTHUB brings you Yourit Yoghurt’s success story to help motivate you.
This week’s episode features Neken Chuwang, the leading CEO of Yourit Yoghurt. His story serves as a guide for small businesses to achieve superior sales through technology.