Many people ask me how to get an income? How can they make money by living the laptop lifestyle, working flexible hours, usually from home, and having their own business? They feel that this method of being an entrepreneur will allow them a lot of free time and the freedom to travel and see the world. Actually people who have their own business usually never take any days off, I know this to be true.
Before you can start any business you will need to have formed good habits of the mind and the body. That means you will not quit or give up when the going gets tough, and you are healthy enough to work long hours without back pain and other aches in your body, because having your own business is actually very stressful on your mind and body.
Related:5 things people with goals do every morning
When you are an entrepreneur you never know when you will get your next paycheck as there is nobody around to tell you what to do. Yes that sounds good for some people but it is also an easy way to procrastinate and waste time by majoring in the minors; this means concentrating on activities
which do not make you money but make you feel busy instead.
One needs to major in the majors, which means focusing on activities that actually make you money. People like to focus their time and effort on making their website perfect or by taking weeks to design the best logo yet they neglect to make any sales calls from day one because they want everything to be perfect before they take any action.
The best time to do anything is now, and do not wait for later. A Slight Edge Philosophy says, “Ready, Shoot, then Aim” which means take action now and then adjust your actions later.
Furthermore, many people lack the proper knowledge to start and operate a business. If you want to create your own income then you first need to invest in your own brain. Build up the knowledge base which anyone will need because I did the mistake of starting a business with little knowledge and I lost $100,000 over the years by using trial and error to learn.
Reading books is a way to simulate the future by examining the mistakes of others. Yes, it is nice to learn from mistakes but they do not have to be your mistakes. Trial and error is not as good as simulation, trial can be costly and time consuming and error can sometimes be deadly. Do you really need to jump off a building to see if you will survive, or will you listen to your parents and not jump off a tall building? The decision is yours.
Slowly you creep forwards and not necessarily in fast spurts so take your time, invest in your brain, build positive habits of the mind and you will create the fertile earth which will grow the best business when the seeds of business ideas will enter your mind.
Good luck!