The word “FOCUS” according to Robert Kiyosaki is “follow one course until successful”. Most times in Entrepreneurship, focus is not really the problem in Entrepreneurship, what seems to be the problem is what to focus on. Steve Jobs, on handing over the position of the CEO of Apple to Tim Cook he said to him “Focus is the key”(not hardwork). Hardwork makes you busy, focus makes you productive
Here are some principles applied by some top business moguls that made them successful;
1. Focus on your priorities
Making a scale of preference on what matters most sets a clear goal for your day. This should be written down every morning just like you do on your “to-do list” and done according to their order of importance
2. Focus on expected outcome
Goals are meant to be achieved and accomplished and not be done halfway. So whenever one sets a goal he has desires to achieve this goal. He/she deems it necessary to achieve this goal. So whenever we have doubts or the journey gets tough. We should reflect back on our reasons for pursuing this goal and stick it out to the end.
3. Focus on the Here and Now.
Just like Rick Warren said in his book Purpose Driven Life ” We are products of our past and not prisoners of our past”. So yesterday has gone. The present in our hands to make things much better than it was yesterday. Don’t get stuck on the failures of the past rather get excited at the opportunities of the present.
4. Focus on Strengths
Just like I said in the beginning of this article “Focus is not really the problem in Entrepreneurship. The problem is what to focus on”. Someone might ask. What are our strengths. Your strengths are those things you have passion for, those things you derive joy doing, things you like to engage yourself in. In summary. Things you are practically good at . Channel your resources there and drive your way to success.